June 9, 2013

Grrr you stupid bow and arrow!

Hmmmm....Something Wonderful?  Well....it was NEW.  And Willa loved it.  Playing with bows and arrows.  We have 2 kid-type bows and a new target.  Willa and I practiced our archery acumen(LOL).  She kicked my ass.  And all I got for my efforts was a burned up arm for not knocking the arrow correctly.  Just call me Katniss.

While we were out goofin' around some, seriously dark clouds came over the ridge.  And then THUNDER!!! LOVE thunder in the mountains!  Rare here.  Suddenly the wind just started cranking so we packed it up and went inside.  Rain fell in sheets and it was actually the closest we've come to warm rain in years!  Here's Willa enjoying it on the deck:

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