July 28, 2013

No dormancy here.

35 days so far this summer where our temperatures have reached over 70+ degrees!  Looking back at the last 3 dismal summers, that number never exceeded 9.  We are definitely taking MUCH pleasure in it!  I think this has been the fullest summer I've experienced since living in Alaska.  I've realized a part of me has reawakened with the warmth...there is such a lightness of being juxtaposed with strength of body...and a sense of FREEDOM that has accompanied the warm wind blowing through my car windows as we roll down the highway, and in the comforting breeze I feel as I walk past a wide open window.  Wide open....that's how I feel.  That heart center huge and glowing like our sun. This summer has allowed us to shed our bulky hoodies, fleece socks and sweats for light tanks, bikini tops(Miles, too, lol!!!), shorts and bare feet.  Free to strip nakey with my hunny in the living room with no kids around!  It's been freeing and magnificent.   But a bit of a disturbing shock to realize just how laden down I've felt with these past few cold and dampened years.  And as wonderful as it has been...there is an insidious apprehension-especially in light of all the unusual weather in other parts of the country-that this is just.not.right.  I don't like that.  It makes me want to buy property in Colorado, start hunting and learning how to can, buy guns and solar panels, go off the grid and wait for the shit to hit the fan....

I'm constantly trying to outrun that dark little cloud as I delight in the sun.  Just trying to Be Here Now.  Because I have MISSED it so....

Our friends had a housewarming party yesterday.  Sangria, sundresses, salmon on the barbie and sun.  It was wonderful!

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