January 12, 2014

My writing sanctuary

Right here. Engulfed in this huge round-y chair made perfect with down filled pillows.  Feet propped up on the matching ottoman.    This is where I write.

In the winter, a warm glowing fire.  The soft teal blankie on my lap and over my toes feels just like rabbit fur.  A hot mug of cocoa, coffee, or mulled wine.  Celtic instrumentals or classical music surrounds me.

In the summer, I open the window behind me, the breezes caress the back of my neck and shoulders...the soft movement of my tendrils so soothing.  A glass of red wine, the robins' evening song or perhaps ambient music....
...and the sounds of my family.... completes.
 I feel little vulnerability here, surrounded by my paintings, plants, our family's treasures.   I can settle myself, calm and open my mind....and let words flow.
The warmth emanating from the wood floors bathes the room. The ever-changing view out these windows nourishes my soul. Always.  Even on the gloomiest days there is so much beauty here.

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