May 27, 2008


I kiped this post from A Little Garden Flower in order to spread the word regarding SUBWAY's current campain:
"Karen from our list sent this along this morning and I was shocked. They have in one contest excluded over 2 million children! To find out about their contest, visit this link The fine print for the contest reads:

'Contest is open only to legal US residents, over the age of 18 with children in either elementary, private or parochial schools that serve grades PreK-6. No home schools will be accepted.'

Comments can be made at: http://www.subway.%20com/Applications%20/CustService/%20frmCustomerServi%20ce.aspx"

Lame, lame, lame!!!! Check this out: From the above link: "Homeschoolers, offended by the ban, spontaneously -- and almost literally overnight -- organized a national Subway boycott that already has Subway's corporate spokesman hunkering down. All this happened over a holiday weekend, a time when people usually have better things to do. Imagine the impact today when millions of homeschooling parents are back in front of their computers, and discover what Subway has done to them.

So, if a kid wins athletic equiptment for his school, do the "illegal" kids not get to play on it?!?!?


  1. I am flustered by this mess as we recommend a lot of Scholastic books in our books! They are my next contact.


    PS- I think Quizno's sounds good for lunch!

  2. I'm impressed with the response of homeschoolers in all this...not to impressed with Subway.

  3. Hi, I'm loving your blog!! I live in Michigan and our homeschool group is all over this Subway rejection. I don't like Subways food anyways! So.... you have a great blog. I did a color week last week and somehow I think it came from yours through Tammy at Small Home, Big Love.
    Your color pics. are wonderful. Well I'm going to browse around your blog a bit more. It's nice to meet you!:)

  4. Oh this irritates me too! I posted on my blog as well. And here is the website for the online petition to boycott Subway:

  5. Yeah, I saw all this get going over the weekend. Quite a hoopla now! :)
