May 27, 2008


Blue sky…not a cloud in it…slight wind still trying to tether us to winter. But the snow is gone. The green is bursting, and the sky is glorious. It was downright WARM when the breeze would subside. Warm sun on my skin in my tank top….then the breeze, and the fleece goes back on!
We just set up a blanket outside on the deck and got stuff done. Little things but lots of them. We made some pretty fairy jingles out of some wood letter “o”s that I got from the store a while back. I just sanded the edges till smooth so Lo would have a nice comfortable grip and then used a beeswax and lavender finish on them to bring out the grain and protect.

Man that stuff smells good. You can put it on your lips, too!
I ‘ve been thinking of different woodworking projects to try out and came up with a great template for an intarsia puzzle. Actually, my head has been just spinning the last couple of weeks with ideas for so many things. Toy making, kid clothes design, photography, garden art, painting, writing, and so on. My ADD brain just jumps from one thing to the next. Things are only half planned out and then I’m on to the next thing. At some point I come back to everything with the cycle staring again-all the while adding MORE ideas. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!! It can be an all consuming Bacchanalia, relentless and overwhelming. It can also be a fun, exciting, and very satisfying ride if I can just harness the thoughts and the time-keep everything “filed and organized” so that I don’t just shut down and do NOTHING…
Let’s see, the load of branches I hauled up our property from the neighbor a couple doors down.
They slashed a ton of their alder(grows like gangbusters up here-skinny and stunted) and twas mine for the taking! This pile will become:

a trellis for the “entrance” to the play garden, walking sticks, a “spirit stick” or two, and a few sets of tree blocks.

The greenhouse! We have plans for beatification. Huz and I mounted some chimes, I mounted Lo’s birdhouse as well, finally cleaned all the speckles of paint off the greenhouse door, planted some sugar snap peas to grow up the sides

and drew out an idea for the painting we’re going to paint on the door. I envision a stained glass look, colorful and transparent . The kids can go nuts with the trim if they like.
Ugh. As I sit here trying to think of what else I got done today…I can’t. I HATE that. I would have to wear a little pad and pen around my neck like a mute to document everything. Oh! I painted my toenails To Dive For Pink and had time to blog.
Then there’s Lo. Playin’ and doin’ life during all my inner mayhem. Here she is cuddling in the sun with her rock “baby”, Annie,-inspired by the story, Elizabetti’s Doll.
And later, her set up of little dolls feasting.

Off to the Huz with me. We need our “adult time” at the end of the day. Helps to turn down the volume in my brain.
Nighty night.


  1. Awww...that last picture of the dolls at the table is so sweet and so is the one of your little girl and her rock "baby" ;) I want to make some tree blocks as well. We have one set that I bought and the kids love them but we need more!

  2. So many ideas - spring does that to me too. We are still so cold here, but get glimpses of warmth. I love the fairy jingles.

    WE have some wood projects for garden things - fun!

    I have been looking for some beeswax polish - is that the one from nova naturals? I am allergic to lavender, sadly, so keep hoping to find a company that has different options. :)

  3. I love the fairy jingles and the photo of your little one with the rock baby is adorable. I'm glad I saw that mention of making tree blocks. I've wanted to buy a set, but haven't yet. Making our own will be a good project for us!


  4. The fairy jingles are beautiful! Something about spring that gets the mind churning!
    I can relate with your ADD - I have so many projects I go through in my head and have some of them started then move on to something else. It has been 2 weeks since I have decided to make cloth toilet paper for myself. It took one week just to cut up the cloth and it will probably take another just to sew them! : ) In between that time I have started 2 knitting projects!

    Good luck with all your projects. I look forward to seeing them posted on your blog.

  5. Cloth toilet paper! Whew! SERIOUS ambition, girl! That's awesome!
    DENISE- Actually I bought it at our waldorf school's store-a mom made it and I'm sure you can find a recipe online. This stuff is just bees wax, mineral oil and essential oil.
    I'm also waiting for an all natural wood polish to come in from Willow Toys,lavendar and bergamot.

  6. Oh tell me about Fairy Jingles! When you jingle them, do they summon fairies? They are so great! I love them and I'm not even sure what they are for. When my daughter was little (she's 21 now) she would make fairy rings in the backyard. A safe place for fairies to gather and dance in the moonlight. I used to sneak out and sprinkle things about, like flower petals or glitter. Autumn Rose would squeal with delight when she found that the fairies came!
    Oh how I wish she was still little. I guess I'll have to wait for a granddaughter someday to make fairy circles and fairy jingles!
    The natural wax sounds heavenly:)

  7. I love this whole post!!!! lol I especially love that sweet daughter of yours with her rock baby. ;)

    My own mind is now spinning with ideas. I love that spring is finally here. It's rained nonstop for over a week, but the snow is definitely gone and I'm loving it!
