May 29, 2008

UPSIDE DOWN DRAWING?!?!? The apple doesn't fall far...

Is she walking in her mothers back assward footsteps? For awhile now, Lo has been drawing her figures upside down! It's the wackiest thing to watch. She draws enthusiastically and fluidly but everything is upside down! What the heck is up with that?!?! I've heard of reversing letters, but...
Here's Lo in action a few months back:

I LOVE that drawing and I want to get it framed. I started off as our family but then she added the Grandmas, friends, and pets.

And a couple from this morning. She was attempting to "write her name". She got the W right but the I's and an A are reversed.

A self portrait-Lo outside in a storm.

Big purple ears and head. little legs. See her hair flying up into the storm? Dark clouds above? And look where she's positioned drawing the picture!

Anyone else experience this katywonkus kid drawing?!?!?

WHAT COULD THIS MEAN?!?!?!??!?!?! -Runs shrieking from room...


  1. Hey there, I teach preschool and in all my years, I've never seen this. Hmmmmm. My educated guess would be that she's super creative and smart. We are told not to worry about the children that write backwards until about 1st. grade, by then most children will straighten things out. I bet she'll turn it around in her own time. Try not to worry too much. I'm sure it's all fine. I hope this helped. I love her drawings!

  2. Oh, I was kiding about the shrieking!!!! She IS very bright-freaks us out sometimes! It'll be interesting to see where this goes!

    Hey, I taught pre-school, too! Wish I had known about Waldorf back then!

  3. Hi, thanks for visiting my home school blog. I haven't been there for ages as we've been away on a 'field trip'. You can come visit us over at Travel Tales.
    I see we have a lot of interests in common. Your little girl is lovely.
    If you make it over to the Emerald Isle, feel free to use us as a base. We'll be here until the end of 2008.

  4. Interesting!

    My son sometimes writes words backwards. Not in reverse order, but backwards. When I asked him why, he said, mom, I want to see it in the mirror the right way. !?!?!?! How in the world he knew that would work is beyond me. Soooo she may have her own reasoning!

  5. She seems like a very artistic little girl. My 4 year old doesn't draw with that much detail right side up ;)

  6. Oh wow.....that's kinda cool! lol

    I bet she will do well with art and anything involving creativity.

  7. I just have to comment...and say...How it is done is not an her drawings are beautiful and articulate. I just hope no one squashes her creative ways of getting from point A to point B!

    What a CREATIVE little person you have amongst you!!!

  8. NO squashing whatsoever!!! The doors are all open for her exploration. I just find it intriguing and was wondering what others may have experienced.
    Again, if I came across as truly worried or put off I didn't mean too! Was just interjecting some goofiness-that's who I am! :)

  9. Wow, that is creative! My son is left-handed and writes letters backwards, writes the order of letters backwards, and when he pretends to read he always starts on the right side of the page! I'm sure Waldorf remedial teachers would have something to say about these "backwards" and upside-down kids, but I think it's OK -- though for my son he's going to need some help unless we decide to teach him to read Arabic instead :)

  10. Hi there! A little late to the party here but I found this post while googling about kids who draw upside down. My five year old does this quite often and I'm curious about your experience with your daughter's penchant for this. Do you think it was a sign of something beyond the drawing? (I hope that doesn't sound negative, I don't think of this as something bad, just curious and since you've had the same experience...)

  11. Hi Samilja!
    From all that I have learned in the past 2 years since this post is that backwards and upside down drawing are TOTALLy normal and expected with young children. Lo no longer draws upside down, but still does on occasion reverse letters. It's all part of the wonderful development and integration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain!

  12. Very late reply to this thread. Have your children all corrected now?
    My 4yr old almost 5 draws upside down.

  13. Very late reply to this thread. Have your children all corrected now?
    My 4yr old almost 5 draws upside down.
