October 29, 2008

Whoops. I seem to have a habit of occasionally creating posts and then forgetting to publish them. This one was meant for Sunday. It was quite the productive day. It started off with this early morning shot of the first hint of the sunrise beyond the horizon just starting to touch the wispy clouds over Bear Pass. It came out orange-y in the picture but when I saw it out the window after going to the bathroom, it looked kind of blueish and I thought it might be the aurora. It was 5 degrees outside so I went back into my nice warm bed to spoon my toasty hunny. But then I thought,"Man. Am I gonna let this rare chance to photograph the aurora reaching horizontally across Orion slip by cuz I'm being a pussy and going back to bed?!?!"
Of course, as I stood outside the door neckid but for my robe and snow boots, I realized it was just clouds when the picture came up on the display. Back to bed with me-but it was worth the shot!
The rest of the day saw much activity with bread baking, dollhouse making, homebrew bottling("First Snow IPA"), pumpkin carving, pumpkin seed roasting(I made a KILLER batch! Hold me back!), and movie watching with skirt steak and potatah eating.
I'll post the results of our labors tomorrow.


  1. that view is just absolutely beautiful..im so jealous...
    great kids with great pumpkins.
    i love roasted pumpkin seeds..have a recipe someplace for spicy seeds...nummy

  2. gorgeous shot! i love those busy home kitchen making things weekends.

    i made a batch of pumpkin seeds and totally incinerated them when i forgot they were in the oven and went outside to do yard work. gotta try another batch! :)

  3. wow! gorgeous photo of the cloud. amazing.

  4. Wow...that's an incredible shot of the sunrise! I'm going to try to roast some pumpkin seeds today after we carve our pumpkins. I've never done it before, so I hope they turn out alright.

  5. Just throw them in a little olive oil, salt, granulated garlic and soysauce. Spread on cookie sheet and bake.
    I pick the seeds out of the guts and stringies but I dont rinse off the pumpkin juice.

  6. My recipe is almost the same, except I add tomatillo (green) salsa to the mix and pour it over before roasting. Yummmm
