October 30, 2008

Got recommendations?!?

OK! Long flights in small seats! I'm looking for a kick-ass book or two to read! I'm not into formula Daniel Steel type stuff and prefer fiction right now, but non-fiction is ok, if it's engrossing. I'm looking for something that will grab me and suck me right in. I'm dying to devour a book again the way I did Children of God by Mary Doria Russell. It had everything. Astounding character build-up, erudition, humor, time paradox, politics, socio-cultural anthropology, archaeology and biological anthropology, religion, and sci-fi excitement.

Anyone have some great recommendations?!?!? If you haven't left a comment yet HERE, I'll add your name to the NYC schmunsky prize giveaway if you give a recommendation!

So here are the results of Sunday's labors:

Dollhouse #2!

My own design. I love the organicy-ness of it and there's plenty of room for many little hands. I made this for the Aurora Waldorf School's auction this weekend. The rest of Lo's class worked on birch bark furniture for it! We won't be there on Saturday and I can't wait to see pictures! Huz was a HUGE help handling the mathematic calculations, assembly, and such! He came up with the idea for a natural branch post.


Dea did an amazing job on her witch and Lo picked this interesting cat inside a ghost pattern. Yesterday I bought a Funkin and I have big plans for that thing.

And...Punkin seeds. They're just about gone now.


  1. Snow by Orhan Pamuk;
    Anathem by Neal Stephenson;
    Suite Francaise, Irene Nemirovsky;
    Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon;
    Bel Canto Ann Patchett;
    Any of Richard Powers' most recent works (Echo-Makers, Time of Our Singing, Gain);
    After TamerlaneJohn Darwin

  2. Great pumpkins!

    A couple of books off the top of my head:

    The Kite Runner by Hosseini
    Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
    The Man Who was Magic by Gallico
    Steppenwolf by Hesse

    Whatever you read, let us know if it's any good. Have a GREAT trip!

  3. I like historical fiction, but others might be "Three Cups of Tea" or "Secret Life of Bees."

  4. Yeah, Sarah, the "Three Cups" author, Greg Mortenson, was in Colo Springs for a speech last January. Interesting stuff. Your list and Sharon's list is everything my wife has read for the past couple months (well, not Steppenwolf, but she is a big Hesse fan).

  5. I also liked Snow, Suite Francaise, and Bel Canto. My husband liked the whole Stephenson series. My favorite reads from the past two years are in a sidebar on my blog.

  6. OOOO! I LOVED The Secret Life of Bees!

  7. Historical fiction is great, too. What do you recommend?

  8. I can't think of of fictional book recommendation right now (I really should read more fiction), but I'm loving all the suggestions here in the comments. I'm crazy about that gorgeous doll house you made! Have a great trip to NYC!

  9. Sarah mentioned her husband was reading the Stephenson "series." I think she meant the Baroque Cycle, his trilogy about the Louis XIV era. Now that's historical fiction, if you have five plane flights and the patience for 2700 pages of purely deranged craziness. The NY Times described it as the ultimate punk-rock-pirate-aristocrat-courtier-commoner-18th-century-globalization trilogy. That's about right. Isaac Newton and Godfried Liebnitz argue over who invented algebra, while Jack from Dog Island combs the world for quicksilver. And cameo appearances are made by everyone from Ben Franklin to Mother Goose.

    (The three books in the series are Quicksilver, The Confusion, and The System of the World.)

  10. I'm definitley interested in Anathem, among others. Thanks, all, for the recommendations!

  11. I love winning..ha..
    Oh great books are easy for me to recommend..
    The Name of the Wind by patrick rothfuss, the book of lost things, by john connelly, anything by tony hillerman, and anything by james lee burke, which is my favorite author..i love him..
