October 7, 2008

Catalyst into the day

This is what Huz and I woke up to one early morning last week.

Perfect weather for watching the aurora. Not so cold that you're running back inside after 5 seconds! Just wrap up in a blankie, sit out on a deck chair and enjoy the show.

It's time of year when those pesky bears are going to sleep and I can go for the occasional 6 am run. If this doesn't motivate me to run, I don't know what will. There is nothing that makes me feel as light as air and with boundless power as when I have the aurora and all those stars(often times shooting!) to run to.

And a couple mornings later...Ye GODS....our first snow.

This is the first year that I have not felt "ready for the snow to FLY!" After the non-summer and split second fall.... I'll have to work at rearranging my head around it!!! What about all those fall-sy activities yet to do?!?! "Well, chances are this will melt." I said...

The first snow man of the year!
No hesitation here folks. At least these 2 are jumping right in!

And good morning, Monday!!!! With four more inches. ~sigh~

My rhythms are all SNAFU, but I can't deny the splendor of this place when first veiled in white.


  1. The snow is just beautiful. Can't say I'm quite for full blown winter, but it is very pretty.

    The aurora, OMG! You are so lucky to be up there and experience that. I saw it once in the UP, but not since.

    Fantastic photos! I especially love the close-up of the plant with snow on it, and cutie little snowman.

  2. I meant to write that I can't say I'm quite ready for full blown winter. I love it when it comes.

  3. That aurora is just unreal! As for the snow, you guys are about a week ahead of us. We are supposed to get 2 feet this weekend which is pretty much right on time for us. Love the pics! :)

  4. The aurora is something I've never experienced...how beautiful. The photos you took are amazing.

  5. That is just amazing! How many days does it happen?
    Good to hear the bears are bunking down for awhile!
    The snow. YIKES!!!! I wish it would snow just in December. Let's make it a law! One month of winter fun is all I need and Sharon is getting two feet this weekend, that's just crazy!!! We are going to be sunny, in the low 70's ;)

  6. I love the great photos!!!

    The snow is all melted at our house down here, but there are still patches at the Nature Center down by the pond, with a few bear tracks in them...

    I'm not quite ready for winter yet.
    Stay warm:)

  7. I would not be able to sleep a wink if I were in Alaska, I would sit up all night and watch the sky.
    Oh Brr, snow already. I have been complaining about the frosty morning, I am really not ready yet for it to snow.

  8. I've always wanted to see the aurora!

    We might get some snow this weekend, and we are totally unprepared. In NY we usually didn't need snow clothes for at least another month, since we had such a nice long autumn. Here autumn is evidently just a state of mind :-)

  9. wow! amazing photos of the aurora. absolutely stunning.

    the snow is lovely as well.

  10. Wow, the aurora photos are spectacular! Have you read His Dark Materials (you know, the books that the golden compass movie was made after)? In that book the aurora was like a split in the continuum between world and one man found a way to use an explosion of energy to create a bridge up through the aurora into an alternate world. Great books anyway, particularly since they are so controversial : )

    My mom is expecting snow today in Wyoming-- I don't miss that at all about life at high altitiudes/nothern latitudes

  11. Beautiful! I love snow. And those aurora photos - gorgeous!

  12. oh my Goddess!...it's just breath taking..huh!...it ain't texas..ha

  13. The aurora is amazing! It must of been incredible to see that.

    Wow snow! I am so glad we still have a couple months before we see the snow. Dont get me wrong, I love it , it is beautiful, I am just not ready.

  14. Yep, I come here so I can run in the other room daily and go... Lets move to Alaska! I have figured it out. Great pics of the the Aurora! And the snow man sooo cute.
