October 5, 2008


Sorry folks, but.......

AKSHAMU, in the past couple of months you have foisted yourself upon my blog with the ugliness, insults and accusations that are so typical of the far right. You have accused me of being a homophobe, a bigot, an elitist, and stupid. Despite the fact that I have been forthcoming and pleasant in inviting you to elaborate, you have yet to substantiate your words. Then you proceed to boast your virtuous righteous indignation with statements like, “I feel sorry for the values you appear to be raising your kids with.” And “God save this country from the likes of you.”
“What else do you call your vitriol against a woman[Palin] who merely holds a different view from you?”


“Sarah Palin has strong personal views …”

So why is that acceptable and suitable, but if I have strong views, I’m a (along with the above name calling) conceited, pathetic, coward with a warped life?!!

Let’s talk about a warped life! Why is it that so many of those from the religious right who profess to be so godly, didactic , so upright and honorable, are often the ones with the SMARMIEST of skeletons in their closet? Values? Morals, AKSHAMU?!?!
After doing a simple GOOGLE search on your username I found out that YOU have quite the interesting hobbies! YOU, a "large but shapely" douche-bag looking for "activity partners" on the Alaska Dating website, are a MARRIED man searching for an affair! Does the Wife know that you are out looking for "Butt Sluts" on the web? Any luck finding broads to philander with in Fairbanks?!?!?
And you have the audacity to challenge MY morals?!?!?!


Stay the hell away from my blogs, Tax Man.

"Battlestar Command" called, they want your intellectually deficient and warped brain back for incineration.

Fuck stick.


  1. So, I just went through and read what that person said in your comments. Yuck. That makes me a little sick to my stomach to even read what he/she (?) said to you. It doesn't take much time reading your blog to know what an amazing person you are. I may not hold all of the same political views as you, but I still value what you have to say and respect you. I love that we live in a country where we CAN voice our opinion; so keep on speaking up for what you believe in.

  2. Thanks so much, Dawn! and yes, I'm grateful for our freedoms, too.

  3. Gee, tell us how you really feel :-)

    I'm not seeing much debatin' goin' on here, just slanderin' and cursin' each other.

    And really, what's a blog for except a place to express your views? If Akshamu doesn't like what you have to say, then Akshamu should just go read another blog! What good does it do to flame someone on their blog?

    And if you don't think real debate is happening here (or should I say, on the other blog where this all should be), then start some! Say something that has some factual basis, some opinion couched in something other than ad hominem attacks, and then you have the right to complain about lack of debate.

  4. Seems to me you should be able to say anything you want on your own blog.

    And if that reader doesn't like what he/she is reading, then why continue reading? lol. I'll never understand some of the people out there in bloggyland.

    Anyway, I love reading your blog and your thoughts you share with us.

  5. ROFLMAO -- And I really needed some humour right now. I have tho't of you daily since my return to the States, as I am traapped here in (Dear Lord help me) Southern Mississippi, forced to listen to the tirades of rabid pro-Paliners. Can I just put you in a room with my mom's husband and watch, eating my popcorn and cheering for the winner.
    I agree with Tammy: it's YOUR BLOODY BLOG! write whatever the hell your heart desires!

  6. Flames are fine, but two things can be particularly annoying: 1. the automated spam type of blog posts that Ruth got from the Obama comment - there is no way an automated response to anything can be relevant to a particular post, and just looks foolish; 2. The kind of person like Akshamu who deliberately wanders to blogs s/he doesn't agree with and calls names rather than debate particular points.

    On that latter front, I myself troll some conservative blogs and leave some comments, but they're always designed to move dialog along. Akshamu's style is more like the type of folks (usually conservative, but not always) who post to daily news sites with commentary that is simply childish. And when you call them out on it, you realize that most of these people don't know what rational or logical styles of argument are. They just want to call someone names.

  7. Hmmm... Seems I have touched a nerve. I guess you don't read what you write or your fellow bloggers write here, and you complain about what I write? As far as your google search went, thanks for letting me know someone was trying to use my profile for less than honest purposes. Just keep in mind I'm not the one who seems to think that Sarah Palin is "setting back women 100 years" for her views. That is you and your fellow bloggers who from where I sit seem to think any disagreement with your viewpoint is either "setting back woment 100 years" or childish or somehow a lie or distortion. I've said it before, look in the mirror before calling the kettle black. I will leave you to your blog since it is apparent that there is no true debate here, just mutual high fives for similar dislikes.

  8. Tee hee hee he he he he he heeeeee!
    ANTHROMAMA and LORING, I rest your cases!!! Spot on! Thanks!

    "thanks for letting me know someone was trying to use my profile for less than honest purposes."


  9. By the way, why is it ok to be for the murder of unborn human beings?

    And if you didn't want political comments here, why did you start them here in the first place.

  10. Akshamu, this issue is very near and dear because Colorado is voting on a resolution (likely to be turned down) that would declare "personhood" at the point of fertilization. Every court in the country has warned the proponents that this will be tossed out immediately if it is voted in, but that hasn't dissuaded those who would automatically call "murderers" people who see it as OK to get rid of a fetus in the first trimester.

    I am not a big proponent of abortion but reject absolutely your language and your definition of terms. A zygote is not a human being, neither is a fetus that cannot be viable. These issues will continue to be debated over the coming decades, but those who use the moniker "murderer" have already made their choice, which is an incorrect one. Period.

  11. Loring - actually you are the first person other than the pro life contingent that will even allow for the possibility that human life begins at some point before the birth of the "fetus". My main contention in this is that murder is defined as the taking of human life, and since there are premature babies born and living normal lives that were 2 or three months premature then that justifies the question, because at some point (even if you don't define human beings to include zygotes or fetuses at the point of conception) it is a human being that when aborted is being killed. In addition, Senator Obama has on several occasions voted in Illinois against a ban that would have precluded the termination of "fetuses" that survived an attempted abortion outside the womb. How is that ok? And how is that not murder?

  12. I think I need to enable that funky word thing to weed out spam, cuz I got a doozy today. Mehtinks it warrents it's own post.
    Scroll one post down"Her reward" and be amazed at the bottom feeders among us. Worse even then ole Shamu

  13. Runninl8, I am glad you have made it so you have to approve comments so you can kick the Akshamu assmunch to the curb. You don't deserve to have such hatred spewed all over such a beautiful place.

    I love your blog!
