June 25, 2013

Russian River 2013-Day 2

The yearly "log" portrait
Not much fishing action this day but Mama Griz and her 2 cubs shared the river with us for awhile.  I don't know if these are the same family from the last 2 years... if so, these cubs have gotten quite blond! And FAT!  What a life these bears have.  Filling up on fresh salmon EVERY day!  They are HUGE cubs!  Always miraculous to behold.  And viewing them in action for awhile takes the sting out of catching NO fish. 
The gorgeous weather continued, though and we enjoyed our trips to the river as well as just mellowing out at camp.  There was always between 4 and 8 kids at camp for Willa to play with, and while she was less apt to do special things just the 2 of us, it was wonderful to see all the kids busy with their adventures.  I did miss our alone time this trip, though.

"OMG, Becky!  He has gotten SO fat!"
"I know, right?!?!  THUNDER THIGHS!"

An eagle couple and their immature joined us on the river pretty much every day.  It was fun to listen in to their conversation!  I was wishing I had brought my hand held digi-recorder.
SO happy Vicki caught a fish!  They traveled all the way from Idaho for this trip!

GGGGAAAHHH!!!! DIE, Devil's spawn, DIE!!!!!  The lingering winter and current hot sunny weather has brought on THESE buggers like you wouldn't believe.  They came in in droves-along with 2 other kinds of pain in the ass bugs- after 9pm every night.  We were forced to use DEET.  Eck.

Tia set up a fun scavenger hunt for the kids.

...And we WERE!!!!

An afternoon cuddle and snooze before heading out for round 2 of fishing

Willa is really starting to look like a "big" kid!
Waiting......waiting......waiting.......Where ARE you guys?!?!

WHAT, by the weepin' jesus is THIS?  Beer flavored water.

Cioppino to DIE for!!!!

Everybody gettin' wild and cwaaaaaaazy!

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