June 26, 2013

Russian River- day 3

Taking an early am break from flogging the river.

While Miles had caught a fish here and there, I had DIDDLY.  Not even a fight, not even a bite.    They were KILLIN' it on the river the week before and we missed it.  Such is the whimsy of the fish.  We spent most of the day hiking, playing, and relaxing before the next influx of friends came in for dinner.  This was a hoppin' social night!  Lots of folks, music, food and fun.

Heading to the river to look for the bears and let Kona go for a swim

The afternoon fishing run.  Got nuthin'.
Ray's daughter, Tia's, animae sketches

Kids hangin'.


WHERE the hell are the dramatic FLAMES , guys?!?!

Budding artist

Willa, inspired by Tia
Girlie tuff

Beats and strums

Dry spot left by the evening sprinkle!

Words cannot EVEN.......mmmm.....TENDERLOINS!  Bacon wrapped, no less!
Holy perma-grim coma!  And the gods wept.  Various and sundry chocolaty bars melting into an alchemy of delight!  We dipped Oreos, graham crackers, marshmallows, bananas, and I'm sure a finger or two into this chocolate soup!

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