November 25, 2010

So much to be thankful for...

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."  ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy


Daughters who make my heart burst as I watch them engaged in the simplest things in life.

A wonderful, supportive, handsome, sweet, funny, wise-ass husband and best friend.

Warm and fuzzy kitties.

A naked frog that lives on and on.

GREAT, dynamic, fun friends to share good food and rough terrain with.

2 fulfilling professions....the chance to help heal and the ability to create art.

A simple yet comfortable lifestyle.

The financial and physical ability to expand our home just enough to offer more breathing room.

The view from our windows

An unencumbered ability to feel and give love.....

Since we STILL do not have a finished addition or dinning room-MAN!  I had hoped to be able to sit at our new dinning room table today and have friends come for T-dinner-we'll be packing up and trekking out to our friends house on the other side of the mountains for food and football.  At least we can sit back and not cook!  All we had to make where the pies!  Cheers!

November 16, 2010

Lanterns revisited

Light....for this darkening time of year:


November 3, 2010

Building shit

Well, here are the current Works in Progress....the new addition aaaand I'm building my "official and bonafide" artist WEBSITE!

Yay! I have my own .COM! Come check it out and say "HI"!!!! You'll find my galleries of paintings-available and sold works- and photography, a shop and a strictly art related blog.

Which brings me to this one. I miss writing in it....and wish I could post more often. I'd like to make more of an effort to get back into the swing of things....but if I'm going to do so, I MUST get back to the first and REAL reason I started the blog in the first have a more fun and stimulating way to journal on a regular basis. I've had a great time sharing my thoughts, photos, art, and tutorials with so many amazing people. But this blog became exactly what I didn't want it to be...a blog being created mostly for what I thought other people would want to see and read.

I felt that I had to exclude the simple and perhaps uninteresting daily things that go on in our life. I got caught up in not wanting to bore or turn people off. And so, while being a great blog, IMO, it lacks the everyday-and MOST important- aspects of my life. And to leave these pieces out is not truly who I am.

Also, I found that I was putting more emphasis on the share-ibility of our activities, crafts etc. then on just letting things happen randomly and spontaneously and writing about THAT. Foremost on my mind was, "Will people like this?" It all became ABOUT THE BLOG. "Will this bring in readers?" I was taking pictures of EVRYTHING...but not always from the heart or the seat of creativity. They were more snapshots then art. Things started to feel like they were being structured for other people's acceptance. This is in NO WAY to say that what we did or what I felt and blogged about was not true or sincere....there was just that slight paradigm shift of intention...from what came along naturally to what I hoped would be the end result-a great blog post. Not in EVERY post…but too often for my taste.

In the last few months, I've posted less and less and just let things happen in our lives. I’ve stopped researching activities and craft ideas in order to come up with the most exciting package for my blog. I’ve let Lo take the reins much of the time-when she's HOME, that is!-and steer us in the directions of her interests. And while these things are sometimes a lot less exciting then all the latest and greatest wonderful stuff out there in the blogoshpere, we have experienced them whole heartedly and with more open free souls. No worrying about camera angles and what will look and sound best FOR THE BLOG. My Facebook page is more along the lines of an accurate diary! I wish I had a quick way to just post my daily FB statuses HERE.  I'm really thinking along THOSE lines for this blog’s future. When time permits, I STILL hope to be able to share activities and tutorials that we do, to spend extra time  elaborating on the more in-depth thoughts and opinions that bubble up, but this blog will basically be making a turn toward the brief touchings on the day. A short paragraph? A simple photo? A shared link? And many may find that mundane....who knows. But at least it's something! Something to look back at as time goes on, serving the purpose of a journal or diary. Something that is ME....for ME. This is from my very first blog post: "This blog will be about my family and our experiences- with an emphasis on Waldorf education and how I'm implementing it into our lifestyle. With each passing year I realize how many details I forget over time and the fear of loosing those precious "gems" has prompted me to get this stuff documented."

 It has be as simple as that.

On to the new addition! It’s still going slower then molasses in January, but at least she’s buttoned up as of last week. Next is the trim and metal roof so we can get rid of the scaffolding and finally have our garage back!! Then come the floor issues. The a-hole who originally built the garage screwed up the ceiling. Even though we told him we were planning on building TWO floors onto it in the future!!!!!! It’s over spanned and we have to somehow shore it up. After that we insulate, sheet rock, mud/tape. Between this and putting in the floors, I’m going to claim the room as my temporary studio. Room to make a MESS!!!! And a fab view to boot!

And then….the floors! Wood floors throughout and into the existing house! And then…redecorating!!!!!

But, fuck, the way things are going….it’ll be MONTHS.

Onward ho.

September 8, 2010

My Facebook Fan Page!

I know I'm outing myself...but it's all good!
Hey, folks!  I've set up a new fan page for my art on Facebook.  I hope you FB users will stop by and consider "LIKE"ing my page and "suggesting to friends"!  I also put a fan page button here on the top of my sidebar.  Feel free to pass the info along as well.
I’ll be posting photos of my latest work, updates on what’s for sale in my ETSY shop(will be empty until the end of the month), links to my fav artists and galleries, as well as my current and upcoming exhibitions! I’m finally up and running and can’t wait to see what the future brings! Stay tuned! 
And THANK YOU for all the encouragment, support and wonderful insight over the last few months!!!!

August 31, 2010

Finished Work Friday- My very first art show!!!!!

So last Friday it dawned on me that I should touch base with the owner of the cafe in town that was going to host my first art show. I picked up the phone and dialed. Emblazoned in my mind was OCTOBER. One month to finish about 10 more pieces for the show. One month to get together a good artist's biography and all the description cards that are hung below each painting on the wall. Plenty of time to sign, title, varnish and wire up all the canvases as well as put together a flier and start advertising for a First Friday reception. I hung up the phone after talking with the owner of Jitter's with my mind and heart in my feet. Attention Deficit Disorder had gotten the best of me again, the bastard. Not October. SEPTEMBER. We had scheduled the show for September and he needed everything to be ready to go by 7pm Sunday night. Battling a nasty chest cold and feeling exhausted, this seemed insurmountable. There was no way to back out. How unprofesh would THAT be?!?! But at the same time...what I had envisioned for my first show-enough pieces to warrant the "fireplace" room and a strong First Friday reception- was just not going to happen! I had about 23 canvases but there was NO WAY I could produce 10 more in 2 days! 2, maybe. I gave up the dream of that Perfect First Show and resigned myself to something more on the half-assed side. I downed the cold meds and coffee, tried not to cough up a lung and got to work. With the help of my sweet girls and our neighbor we were actually able to get everything done. We packed up the truck with all the canvai and headed down to Jitter's coffee shop. The owner helped hang it...and I even got the "fireplace room"!!!! Turns out I had just the right amount of paintings! I'm pretty pleased with it....and a friend and I just might do a joint reception next week. He's running for State House so we thought we could do a meet & greet/art viewing type of thing....kind of a weird concept but who knows. Truth be known...I'm a shrinking violet when it comes to having a spotlight focused on me...and even though the people who will show up for this art show are mostly my friends, it still scares the crap out of me. So, since I blew the First Friday thing anyway, maybe doing a joint event will ease me into the whole scene and give me the confidence I'll need for a more "public" FF reception.
For now, I'm just fekkin' thrilled to be showing my work here in town!

(Dea helping with the hardware)

(cutting descriptor cards)

(The aftermath of the art show scramble.....................................and back to peace and calm!)

August 28, 2010

How NOT to raise a wall.

Measuring the windows


Here we are on the verge of September....and our new addition is still barely off the ground. We're starting to feel the panic. The goal has been to get this thing up and ready to heat by the time snow flies. And as I've stated before, the framing was supposed to be FINISHED by July.... But such is the quagmire one sets themselves up in when counting on a retired contractor that is not really asking for much monetary compensation. In return, we're kind of at the mercy of his whims...not sure when he'll be showing up. Huz and I, with help from Dea and Lo have done 90% of the work ourselves so far. And I'm still lovin it! I've always been one who's happiest when making, a baby, a new meal, landscaping, construction....and I really enjoy the labor put into it. I relish a productive day of hard busy work, and the peace that comes at the end of it when you can stand back and look at what you've produced.

Sister power

....But, alas, the completion of this project is at the mercy of our contractor who has not made it a priority. And it seems every other week one of us is not available to work on it. We were in Jersey, then he was of on vacations with family, now Huz is in Washington DC for conferences for the next week...oi. As long as WE are here and the contractor actually shows up for 30 minutes to instruct us on what to do, we're good to go! We slammed out the first wall in 3 hours and the second wall took a Sunday....But actually getting him here at the house in the first place has been a problem. A lot of wasted weekends.

So imagine my surprise-chagrin, actually- when our MIA contractor calls last night and says, "Let's raise those walls!" We didn't take him too seriously. Since the biggest wall is like 2 tons, we had been planning to have friends and neighbors come up for an official Wall Raising a la the Amish if only we had a day and time to give them. But the contractor is not so good at such commitments. We knew he had his son and grandson in town and they were willing to help. And I assumed that he had a few other we figured we'd wait and see IF , WHEN and WHO showed up. I was feeling crappy, a chest cold coming on, and just wanted to go to BED. Lo and behold, he shows up after 9PM with Jr. and Jr. Jr. That's it. Huz and I felt bad about calling folks to come help since it was so last minute and late! But Dea knew that our next door neighbors were up so we asked if they wanted to help. Apparently we needed all the help we could get.

Enjoy our Fellini-esque wall raising video! I'm the one with the afro puff in the black hoodie wielding the hammer. (It's been a long recovery process for my low back so such heavy lifting is OUT for me.)
The vid is fekkin' ridiculous to watch-I almost cried like a girl at the end-but at the same time I'm SO upset that people could have gotten hurt. This was not a paid construction team...just friends helping out. I am NOT happy with the contractor's lack of judgement. And I feel HORRIBLE that I dismissed my own concerns about the situation. We figured we don't know SHIT about how all this works, so we put our trust in the guy who does. But as I look back at the last couple months, we-especially Huz-have found mistakes on the contractor's part, we've second guessed some of his ideas, really only need minimal instruction from him, need to go with our OWN instincts, and as long as I have Huz's math skills-I can DO THIS!!!!

We WILL be having a serious pow-wow on how we are going to proceed with this construction. Renting jacks to raise these walls for one thing...And we will NOT be second guessing our own instincts and logic AGAIN.

July 21, 2010

WHEELS UP! .......Heading back east!!!

And this time, Huz gets to come!!!!! I'm so happy it'll be the 4 of us this year! We're taking off tonight for New Jersey! We'll be spending a couple days visiting with Huz's 2 bro's and fams in Connecticut and then it's a week of SUN, WARMTH, and OCEAN at the Jersey Shore. My parent's have rented a beach house and we'll be staying there along with my step-sister's family. We plan on doing NOOOOTHING but swimming, running, relaxing, beach combing, and Margarita sippin'.

It's been a summer(?!?) of grey, chilly, rainy weather here in Alaska and this break is SO needed! We've experienced some SNAFUs with our construction and the work we had hoped would start the first of July just started YESTERDAY. The waiting was a bitch but we were ecstatic last week when the supplies arrived:

We spent some time yesterday nailing the studs to the plates to form the back wall of the addition. Just me, Huz and the kids. We are feeling very proud of our work!!!! Now we just need to find out from our contractor if construction will be put on hold or if he is going to work on it while we're gone. I really hope we can resume when we get back from vacation-I'm LOVING the fact that we can get this room framed ourselves and I'm diggin' doing the work!!! But, we're not sure if waiting is a good idea since we're already a month behind. We'll see....

Russian River Blues......not REDS.

Well, I'm a few weeks overdue in posting this year's Russian River trip. It'll be short and sweet with pictures telling most of the story. Why? Cuz we didn't catch SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm jaded. If we had limited out over the four days we were there, we could have come home with 48 salmon. We were hoping for about 20-30 because that's about all we could fit in the freezer at this time! We came home with 7 fish. I didn't even get a nibble. Place was dead. And NO cool bear encounters either. And the weather sucked.

But. The food, as usual, was gut-busting delicious. Our friend Ray ROCKED the campfire grill. Despite the lackluster fishing, if was great to hang out at camp with friends. While the confluence of the Kenai and Russian rivers can be a roiling madhouse of combat fisher-folk, the mile hike to the Russian River campground will find you in one of the prettiest and most peaceful campgrounds I've been to. This year, we were treated to the luxury of having an RV to camp in. I have long been a staunch tent camper...eschewing the wimps in the "apartments on wheels"...but when it comes to having children and camping in a bear infested area, I was ok with the RV. And, I have to admit that spending 4 days in a tent in such rainy weather would have been miserable. Our contractor, Mike, who lives up the road generously offered us the use of his RV and we were VERY grateful for it!

On our way to the Russian

Wader clad and ready to catch

Nature along the trail to the river

"First" dinner, 7pm

"Second" dinner, midnight

Camp crafts...making wind spinners!

Fireside nap between fishing

Our fairy house STILL stands 2 years later!

July 2, 2010

Goodbye and good journey, sweet pups.

We said goodbye to my beloved boy yesterday. My first baby.

Niko had gotten SO old over the last two years. It seemed to happen so fast. One day he was just more hunched and crotchety, not so stable, his face looking more skeletal. Over time the arthritis in his hind end worsened and the muscles atrophied. There were growths everywhere. It had been a long time since he'd wagged his tail. In his old age, his inherent neurotic temperament intensified. Certain noises-a cellphone beep, Lo's squeals of laughter, setting the timer on the oven- all had him running scared to the door to find more peace and quiet. He found that a couple of years ago with new neighbors who built a house down the street. They are loving wonderful people who offered him a second more quiet (childless) home to come to when the daily business of our home was too much. Niko often visited us during the day-most often when I was home alone, and then would head back down the street to his second family when things got too overwhelming. As much as this broke my heart...I just wanted him to be happy and content, especially in his old age. My heart ached whenever he disappeared for a couple days and filled with joy when I would see his face at the door again. I wasn't going to FORCE him to stay would have killed him. We are lucky to live in a mountain neighborhood where every ones dogs run free and get along for the most part.

I feel I inadvertently let my boy down-for it had been just him and me, 2 travelin' peas in a pod, for the first 6 years of his life. And when I came into Huz's and Dea's life the pack order changed and Niko wasn't an "Alpha" any more. And then again, when Lo was born. I know in my soul it affected him. But he was always surrounded by love. SO many people loved that dog throughout his life, everyone from family, friends, roommates, neighbors, strangers, clients and employers at work....He was so sweet and friendly. I think more people in this valley know Niko then they do ME and family! So often we would be hiking on the trail or running the road and strangers would yell out,"HI Niko!"! Where on Earth was that wiley boy GOING during the day when we weren't home?!?!?

Niko lived a wonderful life with a lot of adventure and travel. He got to live and hike in Montana, Seattle, and Alaska. How cool is it for an Alaskan Malamute to spend his final years in Alaska! He also got to fly on airplanes to Connecticut, New Jersey, and to visit my best friend and her pooch and fam in upstate New York. But hiking and backpacking was his FAVORITE thing. I'm so happy to have filled his life with it.

I hope he knows how profoundly loved he is and how many lives he touched. He helped his second mommy through breast cancer and recovery this past year. I hope he knows I'm so sorry it couldn't have stayed just him and me...that I thought the bigger the family, the more love for him. But it just wasn't always the right kind of loving for his sensitivity. I hope he is hiking, running and sniffing on glorious mountain trails with Attu, and Brett & Porter and Mur and Jackson....with a wonderful cool lake at the end.

Thank you, Bubba for so blessing my life, for being right by my side during the lonely years, for protecting my baby and I from that mama moose...for being so loving. My heart swells to breaking with my love for you.

June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!!

To ALL the wonderful Daddies.... Have a fabulous day today!

To my Hunny...I am so blessed to be spending my life with you, and so proud that you are such a wonderful father to our children. I love you beyond the stars...

June 4, 2010


After a year and a half of waiting and all the fretting found HERE and HERE, I just got a call from Winterberry, our local Waldorf charter school saying that they have a spot for Lo in first grade in the fall, and did I want to take that spot?
After screaming such things as, "OH.MY.GOD!!!!! No WAY!!!!!! REALLY?!?!?!" and jumping up and down and sideways-you would have thought that I had just won a thousand bucks off of the local Morning Zoo radio-I, of course, answered with a definitive and definite,"HELLS YES!"(they're gonna love me there).

I have lost too much of that "Waldorf connection" over the past year without that daily support and participation in such an environment. I've tried so hard to hold onto that and am SO looking forward to immersing ourselves in it again!!!! On some level I've felt that I've been in this holding pattern for the past year...a place where time has stood still, where I was not able to really "get into" the events of the school Lo was going to and having such a hard time keeping the Waldorf in our home. I acknowledge that I've needed that help, that belonging to a Waldorf community, to keep organized on on track...I feel I can breath again...a block is gone and I can plan, I can break out the scroll saw for some toymakin' for the school, I can research into what is to come for Lo in first grade!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm am so excited for her!!!!!!

Huz in gonna have to peel me off the ceiling when he gets home!!!!!

May 26, 2010

Work-In-Progress Wednesday, Our new addition!

While I have a few WIP going right now-the weather has been very conducive to painting outside on the deck, FINALLY!!!!-I thought I would digress and show everyone the pretty-much-finished plans for the new addition to our home that we hope to start in the next few weeks. A Work-in-Progress for the past 7 years!

The week after Lo was born in 2004, we broke ground and built our 2 car garage, detached and situated below the house-it's roof about 5 feet from the front door. It has served well as an AWESOME huge deck! The rest of the plans have been in the works ever since. Financial hold ups mostly. After starting the proceedings, we opted out of suing Huz's ex for the 30 grand she owed him in order to simply not invite that negativity back into our lives. It may seem foolish, but the piece of mind it has offered us has been well worth the wait. We knew our time would come...and it seems to be here. Although Huz remains screwed...we've come to this from our own hard work(Huz, mostly, cuz I've been the semi-stay-at-home-mommy) And, hey! Let's not forget about KARMA!!!! Works both ways.
Some of you may recall my 2008 post, "Future Dreaming" about the original designs that were drawn up by our neighbor's son, then a junior in high school finishing up a CAD internship. The plan was to add 2 more floors on top of the garage. Since then, Huz and I have decided to forgo the second floor master bedroom and bath in favor of saving the money for travel outside the US. Although it would be heavenly to have that huge bathtub and walk-in closet....seeing more of the world simply trumps the superficial stuff. We would rather DO then HAVE. But the 1st floor is a must. We need a pantry and a place to store seasonal clothes, blankets, outdoor gear, fish freezers, and the like. We need a proper place to eat. And our current family room will morph into the new dinning room. For the new 1st floor, I'm keeping the focus on socializing sans electronics. We'll have a sitting area and woodstove facing this beautiful view:

On the opposite wall will be the AV wall and computer area. The room isn't large enough to house to separate sofas and ottomans/coffee tables, so in order to watch a movie we'll have to do some sort of fancy give the sofa a spin and a shove so that it's facing the TV! It's all good. This is Alaska. We do things WEIRD here.
I can't say the plans to finish the addition next month are etched in stone ...but we're close enough to be having a "Say GOODBYE to the DECK" party on June 5th!!!

May 8, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday, my love!!!!

And Happy Mother's day to all you mommies!!!!

What better Mother's Day gift then a beautiful healthy 10 pound butterball baby, huh?!?!?!? Yep....6 years ago today I was a-squeezin' her out!!! How breathtakingly fast it all goes...from that not-so-tiny warm nursling to a T A L L, bright, precocious, creative kindergartner. Still tutu clad and hoping for an EXCAVATOR for her birthday. I acquiesced and went to the "regular" toy stores(let's face it, I don't think they make wood ones that work and last in a sandbox-but correct me if I'm wrong!) in search for one of those big metal Tonka Truck excavators that we got dirty with outside when we were kids. They don't make 'em anymore, Dear Readers. All you can find are small plastic construction vehicles that make all the sounds and movements FOR you. Un-friggin'-believable. I HATE mainstream toy stores, by crotchety, let me TELL you!!!!

So, I hope she will love her real bonafide ballet tutu, and the knit mohair kitten and prairie dress that I got yesterday at the Waldorf May Faire. Since yesterday we spent the day at the May Faire and today is Mother's Day, next weekend is her "kid" birthday party with her friends. We'll have games, and make hula hoops and get wild in yard...hoping for a warm and sunny day! For today, we'll celebrate Mommy and Lo just the 4 of us at home. (Here's a link to my adaptation of the Rainbow Bridge story that I made for Lo 2 years ago)

UPDATE: She wore the tutu and played with her kitty ALL DAY!!!! How wonderful that this simple little kitten can elicit such joy, love, and imagination!!!!

April 30, 2010

Never a dull moment on FaceBook! And FINISHED work Friday!

Swing Shift(click for detail)

Playing with color and "letting go". Just setting up the paints and various utensils....some loud Indie Techno to set the mood ...and just hitting the canvas RAW. Extempore, impetuous, Enfant Schizo!

Yesturday's FaceBook status:

RunninL8... Hates the pretentiousness of Americans who wax British with the idiom, "I'm going to University".

RM: really? do you also hate Americans who add the 'o u' to certain words, for example colour... if so, I am in really trouble with you.

Runninl8: not so much. And it's the pretense i hate....not the people.

CS: I hate those wankers, its bollocks I tell you!

LLS: Oh, Bloody 'ell.

CS: Fish and chips

RunninL8: RIGHT! Cor BLIMEY!!!! I just shat my Alan Whickers!!! No more gettin' blindo for me!!!!

RunninL8: LLS, you're a corking corker and I LOVE ya!

CS: Those cheeky buggers are fit. I might try to shag one of them now

RunninL8: it's a GAS!

RunninL8: Cory, give the ole undercarriage a bit of a 'how's your father' first!

CS: Oh that's pure codswallop

DLM: Marginally better than I'm going to the water closet.

DC: Quick wit and humor. Love it. You would be a fun neighbor. :)

April 28, 2010

Work in Progress Wednesday...on Thursday. Waddaya gonna do?

One of the pieces I 'm working on this week was derived from a technique that I learned from GARY REEF on his NING site, LOVIN' MIXED MEDIA. Gary is a fabulous Australian contemporary mixed media artist who lives in Norway. His amazing networking matrix consists of YouTube art technique tutorials, FaceBook updates on his latest works, an Etsy shop and the NING site- chock full of informative articles, groups, videos, forums, and tons of like-minded artists....a fecund land of creativity and inspiration.

The technique used on my above Buddha work is Gary's "Bubble Effect" technique. A wonderfully textural work made by using thick layers of house paint and a heat gun.

Take a minute to check out Gary's work on his website and then head on over to Lovin' Mixed incendiary device for the imagination!

As far as my Buddha....I'm not sure where I'm going to take it. I may add some Sanskrit text next to him and call it good. Or maybe get crazy with some lotuses all around. Or both. Hmmmmmm....

April 22, 2010

Earth Day!

Well, I had planned on keeping Lo home from school today so that we could celebrate Earth Day by going for a hike to the falls, planting some seedlings, and making glow-in-the-dark watercolor Earth paintings. But apparently there is a school field trip slated for today at the Anchorage Museum of Natural History to study polar dinosaurs. Lo very much would like to go. It's only until noon, so I'll tag along too and we'll just head home for our fun after the field trip.

Here's a link to what we were doing on Earth Day last year. I can't believe how GREAT the weather was that day!!!! Right now we still have snow on the deck, 32 degrees and overcast....

Happy Earth Day to all!!!

April 21, 2010

Work in Progress Wednesday

Since I missed posting a WIP last Wednesday, I'll post 2 today.

"Fugs!", you say! "Yes!", I concur. But fear NOT. This is merely the very BASE layer of this painting. I have no idea where this one will bring me, but I can guarantee it will be nowhere near what you see above. I'm currently playing with textures and layers. Stay tuned!

This one I started 2 years ago and recently dug it out. It will also be seeing more layers and a better blend of colors. Huz says the pink part looks like a boob. ~sigh. Now I all see is MAMMARY. Gonna have to fix that somehow...

I'm COMPLETELY stuck on the progress of my "bear"(from the last WIP post) and haven't been able to work on it since. Does that make me a STUCKIST? I think I'll just have to bite the bullet and ATTACK it. Turn off the left brain and dive into the right...

April 7, 2010

Work-in-Progress Wednesday

I thought it would be fun to start a Work in Progress post for every Wednesday, showcasing my current work. So here is the pain in the ass I'm working on so far this week. I love it....but it needs to "go" somewhere... but I don't know where that is yet (yeah, yeah....I hear YOU, Jerky-the trash is not an option!) We'll see where the week takes us!

And then there are the two below which are now finished. I am still in shock that the unicorn sold only 15 minutes after I posted it online! I've sold other pieces 2 so far and am now working on a commission. Which prompted me to start an ETSY shop. Not ready yet to launch it , though. I'm still working on getting that first body of work ready to show!

A Conspiracy of Ravens

A Creature So Likely That It Must Exist