Lo and I had fun making corn husk dolls to represent each of us for the place settings and Dea set up a beautiful table for our feast. We also made a bunch of leaf cut outs and put one thing we are thankful for on each one. I strung them up to look like falling leaves. We broke out the dinning room table and chairs from the shed. We don't have a dinning room-we gave it up so that Lo could have a bedroom. We just eat on the island in the kitchen but for holidays and entertaining use the old dinning room set. I can't wait to get a big-ass "last supper" table for future feasting and entertaining when we build our addition! Later, we dove into the bowels of the basement to bring out all our Holiday decorations and we'll spend the next couple of days decorating the house for Solstice and Christmas.
Next year we'll try Cornish games hens or perhaps a duckin(minus the tur). The rest of our meal was scrumptious. We all partook of some serious homemade goodness. Dea made the most killer pumpkin cookies(and I'm not a big pumpkin fan).
As a our turkey was finishing up in the smoker around midnight, Huz was making his famous cinnamon rolls for the next morning.
This year I made a pie for the first time-apple cranberry and the Huz (a former pastry chef) said it beat his. The ultimate compliment! I also made a rockin stuffing with oysters and gorgonzola. We had the usual cranberry sauce, mashed taters, green beans with hazelnuts, and Huz's fresh baked rosemary bread. And Jazz on the sterio with a chocolaty 1994 Cab.
To work it all off we headed outside for the Annual Neighborhood Thanksgiving Sledding. Our neighbors down the street erect a humongous bonfire and everyone sleds from the top of our road down into the neighbor's driveway, making a sharp turn (hopefully!) at the corner of their garage and proceeding to blast down into the back yard! And someone always drives the Green Machine with 2 long ropes hanging out the back in order to pull a gaggle of sledders up to the top of the road. Good times!
Then, with appetites re-stoked, it's back home for pie and eggnog, a reading of the Thanksgiving story(a good one I got from Lo's school-with more emphasis on the Native Americans) and the start of singing Christmas songs for lullabies.
*Regarding my inquiry into the the truth about the Thanksgiving story, I stumbled upon this one, "Why I Hate Thanksgiving". MUST READ. Your thoughts?
Our future Thanksgivings will also include honoring those Native Americans who perished in genocide, and those who experienced degradation, slavery and displacement.