I've taken a break from alternating between bashing my own head with a frying pan and flushing it in the toilet, to post. Has anyone ever felt the indescribable guilt, helplessness, and..I can't even find a third word to describe....unintentionally hurting your kid?
Yesterday I accidentally discharged a blast of pepper spray into the air and it blew onto Lo.
Let's backtrack:
Tuesday evening. I'm sitting on the potty doin' my bidness and I hear...something...fall down/ crash? Maybe from downstairs or outside?
"What was that?!", I yell out.
"I don't knoooooooow!", Dea sing-songs.
Back door is opened...And immediately slammed shut!
"Black bear in the back yard!!!!!!" ,Dea is shouting. "By the back door!!"
I cut myself off midstream -girls can do that, ya know!-and barely have my jeans pulled up as I burst through the bathroom door to look out the back door window. Of course I missed him. He took off when Dea "scared" him. The crash was our overturned recycle bin for the "CANS". We picked them up making note that we really need to clean them out more thoroughly with soap and water before throwing them in the bin. Dea banged some pots and we all yelled just to be sure he was gone. It was like New Years Eve 1979.
"Mommy? You have a little wet spot on your pants!"
After my shower we resumed watching The Big Lebowski(One of my top 5 favs!).
When it ended , before going to bed we took a peek outside. To secure the perimeter, if you will. Now the bin was in shreds and the cans are back out all over the ground. We put the other bins in the garage.
Goes to show you what a great home theater system we have! Never heard a thing while a black bear was Go 2 Sleep-ing our CAN bin. The upsetting thing is that he came back so soon after we made a ruckus the first time. And then returned the next day while I was at work. Lo was at a friends but Dea was home and called huz to tell him that she saw the bear heading up into the back yard. Then she saw him again going down the driveway. And where the hell is my dog during all of this?!?!? Oh, well. The guy's old. Moose walk buy him and he doesn't care. Just lies there with one eye open.
Yesterday was the first time since I've lived here that I ever felt like I had to look both ways before venturing from the house. And it was the first time I ever carried the pepper spray to walk down the street. And that really sucks. But, realistically, as far as neighborhood bears go, there are more urban areas like Anchorage that get far more visits then we do. Despite the fact that we live up in the Chugach range, right in bear country. I guess there is more to attract them in urban places. Namely, trash. Many people up in our valley don't have cans full of trash at the end of their driveway just calling to the bears. We haul it down to the landfill ourselves.
I really do not want to live in fear of wild life here. I'm thinking that this new trepidation is a result of all the bears we encountered at the Russian River(scroll to bottom). Dea has pics and video of a few more that she took when she stayed a couple extra days to camp with our neighbors. Then there was that mama moose who charged Lo, her friend, L, and I a couple weeks ago.
And the fact that despite the noise and activity, they all still hung around. It gets scary when these animals are desensitized to humans. That mama moose has been bringing her babies to our property for a few years now. We call her scarface due to the long scar on her side. Why scar"FACE", I dont know.
When she charged us the kids and I had been up in the playgarden screaming, yelling, laughing... We had walked over to examine a cluster of alder about 20 feet from the playgarden. I had noticed that a lot of bark had been stripped off by moose. The kids were climbing on the branches when I turned to get my camera by the swing set. There was mama and baby walking toward us! And she wanted to pass that cluster of alder for some reason. I slowly sidestepped back into the cluster of branches-I saw the ears go back- I grabbed a kid under each arm and pushed as far back into the branches as I could as she charged forward.
(I later took this picture to show our vantage point)
So now it's yesterday and Dea has to walk down the street to the neighbors to water their flowers while they are away. Poor kid is all creeped out now so Lo and I and the bear spray accompany her. My big mistake was taking the safty clip off the "trigger" of the bear spray. While Dea waters, Lo and I run and dance on the grass. Niko shows up to join us for some "chase me- I'm a puppy still!". I'm chasing him when my foot slips on the wet grass. The bear spray, which I'm still holding with finger at the ready, shoots off a blast as my hands clench in reaction to bracing my fall. Only a millisecond but enough to belch forth a red cloud. It shot out in the opposite direction from Lo who was standing about 15 feet away. But it was really windy and blew it back at us. I imediatly yelled a bunch of stuff like"Lo! Close your eyes tight NOW! Close your mouth! Run to Dea! Put your hands over your face!" Too late. As I'm steering her toward Dea and the hose, she's screaming. She got just enough to burn her eyes, mouth and skin. She's coughing and panicking. I grab the hose and am shocked that Lo is totally willing to open her eyes and let me spray her face. It was horrible. Not only was she hurting and panicked, but dumbfounded and PISSED! Between screams and me pulling her dress off she forced out,"you didn't have to do that!" and,"you could have waited for me and Dea to go inside!" My heart was just crushed. I wanted to dig a hole and bury my head in it. I caused my little girl to be hurting and frightened. I feel sick just writing about this. I told her over and over that I didn't mean it, it was an accident, I was so sorry, Mommy would NEVER EVER hurt you on purpose. I wrapped her in my coat as we waited for Dea to come back with the keys. We took her inside the neighbor's house and got her in the shower. Dea pointed out the number on the bear spray to call if someone gets hit with it by accident. We switch and I go call the fucktard of the century. After a hundred years of waiting for this hick
to get his shite together, he basically tells me exactly what it says on the can. Oh, and "Well, at least you know the stuff works on little girls!"
I shite you NOT.
Meanwhile, super big sister has calmed Lo down and has her laughing. I take over and finish up. I wrap her in a warm towel and hold her my arms, apologizing. Lo tells me "You didn't mean to, Mommy. It was an accident." And I'm just bawling. My Dea tells me it's OK and puts her arms around me. Lo tilts my head to give me a kiss on the forehead. We pack up and head home.
ALWAYS keep the saftey clip on the trigger.
We've have always been very respectful of the moose in our yard and exercised a healthy caution for both moose and bears when outside. Watching quietly from a safe distance-NEVER feeding. Now I need to do a little research and find out if it's just better to scare them when we see them(from a safe distance , of course. Like, from the kitchen window!). What we WILL do is have a family sit down and re-teach and discuss bear and moose behavior, what to do if encountering them, and what precautions to take to be safe when out on the property. It looks like we may have to whack down all the long grasses and fireweed out back. That would be so sad but moose sometimes make their beds out there-you'll find a big flattened spot like a mini crop-circle. The kids have always liked to lay down in them. And, a bear could sit unseen but very close by. We'll have to wait and see. We've got a dialogue going with all the neighbors so we can keep abreast of bear travel . We'll check out the property for bear scat and beds to determine if this bear is a "nuisance bear" warranting "relocation" or just a guy passing through to the next valley where the Salmon are. Should we just move? Hell no. Why should we? To only replace this kind of danger with some other kind of danger? You're immune to it NOWHERE. I won't live in fear, just caution and we will teach our kids the same. Wildlife is part of our world. One of the many reasons we live here in this magnificent place.
~sigh~It's been one HELL of a week yet, huh?!!
Tears,,,, when I read the part about lo and Dea comforting you! How very sweet!!! Mom's make mistakes, I make tons! I just had to apologize to my 21 yr old. ugh!
As for those bears we could pack them up and ship them off to the circus! (lol)
That's right! I'll order a whip, a top hat and a custom made bear bike! I'll show that bear who's boss...
Oh, ouch. Things happen even with the best of intentions. We are all human, after all.
Where you live is beautiful and it is amazing you live so close to 'real life' so to speak. I am sure it is scary at times - I lived in NM and have come upon mama bear with cubs, so I know that feeling...and had coyote at my screened window while my (dumb) cat was sitting in it. (That is when I had to have the town firefighter remove a cat from my face without also removing ALL of my skin.) Rattlesnakes in the yard. But it is about being smart -I'd rather have that than this sterile neighborhood we are in now, for sure.
Rambling. Sorry. ;) Glad they are OK. And they are also learning about living around wildlife - invaluable.
You HAVE had quite a week! I'm glad Lo's alright...it sounds like the trauma was harder on you. Accidents happen, I hope you stop hitting your head with a frying pan...you don't deserve that. ;) I've never even heard of bear spray before reading your blog! It sounds awfully exciting (from a distance) with all those wild animals around.
p.s. I made fairy doll that I'd love to send to you before my daughter steals it away.
It's so hard not to beat yourself up, even for mistakes!
And it sucks to have to be so careful in your own backyard...but of course you know that it's for the best. Probably cutting down the undergrowth will be an easy way to make things clearer for everybody. Sounds like that bear is pretty desensitized, though.
Denise, Agreed!
Anthro and Dawn,
I stopped the beating up. The pan broke! ;)
Yay for fairies! I'll get in touch in a bit!
Oh! About bear spray: when my mom first came to visit me in Montana she picked up my can of bear spray before a hike and said,"so, I just spray this on me to keep the bears away?"
Hey...I've left an award for you on my blog!
That is so funny about your Mom, I can't stop laughing!
Believe me, I'll take a bear over the streets of Detroit any day. Be smart and take care. Glad it was a black bear!!!
wow! you have had quite a week, but i must say you are handling it like a champ. i think i'd be a nervous wreck.
glad your little one is ok.
Tell me about your time in Montana.
I lived in Yellowstone for 10 years. Had several very close encounters with grizzlies. 2 time my infant son was on my back and I sure would have climbed the tallest tree if I had to! It has taken 10 or more years to now be on grizzly allert while in the wildreness, just something that became an innate 6th sense of sorts. I still tell Toby that I can spot eyes in the underbrush from very far away in very thick woods. What a talent. lol I've had many moose and elk encounters as well. You sort of learn to cohabitate really.
Fun post, lots of adventure.
That is quite an adventure--we only have to worry about porcupines (although I have seen a bear in the neighborhood).
Oh I am sorry that happened, but you are too funny!! We just saw a bear while we were picking blueberries, we were wondering what to do if it started to pursue us and my daughter said we need pepper spray, but now I am not so sure...
Hey all!
Sharon-I spent a week in detroit one tuesday afternoon.....
Ladybug-Thanks! I've been learning to breathe properly so i practiced a LOT this week!(I'm one of those people who have existed on tiny breaths taken up in the chest)
Maymom- we have porkies, too! So cute! When they are at a distance! Are yours aggressive?
LIZZ- 10 years in yellowstone! Wow! Such a mulit-faceted place! About MT, soooooooo much to tell... a great town, the ability to walk everywhere, your choice of mountain ranges to back-pack and ski in, community gardens where I spent the most precious time, saturday markets, solo back-pack trips with my dog-harboring just a little fear of black bears, warm nights, my future husband, my soul daughter, 5 years to heal, evolve, grow up....
*All my changes were there*
~Neil Young
No! Get the bear spray!!!!! KEEP THE SAFETY ON!!!!!!!!!
If all else fails just get BIG and start POUNDING on it's face, snout, eyes...
We all have our shining moments as moms, don't we? I've hot glued one daughter and dropped another down the front porch. Don't ask. Horrible memories for me, but the girls lived through it.
I can think of several towns that fit that bill. My Pop still lives there, he's the head of restoration in the park. I haven't been back in over 10 years, makes me cry I miss it so!
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