Outside looking in.
We made a concerted effort to be more eco-minded this year re-using gift bags, tags, and boxes, hand making gifts from recycled and/or reusable materials, saving bows and ribbons for future use, using scraps of fabric to make beautiful wrap, and trying to purchase items that aren't packaged in that gratuitous people-proof plastic packaging! It's HARD finding such things!!! We don't buy Christmas trees but we turn our big macrame hanger into our "tree"-it works quite well being tree shaped to begin with!
On a personal note, each holiday season seems to get more organized and on schedule for me-and that's saying A LOT! I actually got our Christmas cards out BEFORE Christmas!!!! Usually I'm lucky to get them out right after New Years! This time of year can be NUTS for someone with ADD but if I can keep my own stress at bay, it's a wonderful time as well. I was reminded of a comment I recently left on another blog regarding the wonder of traditions. I often find myself wondering why I knock myself out with all the preparations, baking, gift making, card making, honoring and reveling that goes on and I need to remind myself that I'm making traditions for my children-a few I had growing up but many new ones. They start here with ME and Huz so that hopefully they can be passed on.... and someday my great-great grandbabies will wear MY apron or use my cookie cutter. So, it's worth all this initial effort!
My whittling kit, Danskos!, a piggy bank Lo made Dea for saving money for her Europe trip, the hobby horse I made Lo(I heart my scroll saw!!!), funky tie that Lo made Huz(for how to, go here), the COVETED new TUTU, Dea's new luggage for the Europe trip, coffee intermission, the painting Lo made for me, faux Uggs, the fabulous hummingbird(my fav bird) mask that Dea made for me-I just about started bawling, it's amazing and the best part is that it was molded from her own face. It's going right up above our Mexican dance masks.
One of our favorite traditions is spending the rest of Christmas Day over at the O's house. This year we had a great time sharing a big meal, hanging out and relaxing, exchanging gifts and playing "spoons". And the kids get along so beautifully!
I have a very fun blog to share, LITTLE NUMMIES.
This blog by Kellie Strickland is totally dedicated to showcasing the most clever and yummy eats for kids(and the inner kids of adults!). I perused her site after she contacted me about featuring my penguin snacks and I highly recommend you check her out!!!

Looks like a wonderful day!
You all look so happy in these photos. I'm glad it was such a wonderful Christmas for you. I'll go check out that new website now...thanks!
Wonderful holiday with the family! I'm glad you enjoyed it:)
If you're feeling more and more organized and on schedule each holiday season, I salute you! I didn't get any cards out this year -- I'm still contemplating doing a New Year's email :-)
what an incredibly happy post...i love the photo's...and all the smiles!
traditions are wonderful...and i absolutely love your tree!
Thanks for your comment! I'm glad I found your lovely blog that way! :-)
Now, the pic with wine and crab legs - were both of you wasted, or just full and happy? Hope you have a wonderful 2009, or at least as wonderful as the new economy will allow.
Nope! Not wasted! Full and happy. A click of the camera right at the wrong moment!
I too like to be eco minded for Christmas. It is fun to get creative with re-using wrapping paper!
Sounds like a wonderful Christmas for you and your family. All the best in the new year.
Your photo "outside looking in" is gorgeous.
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