A few weeks ago-ages it seems-Anet, Sharon, and Loring partook of this unique meme that gives insight into a person's home as well as spirit. So, I invite you in to witness our walls....
Bodhran, lyre, prayer flags, Mexican dance mask, Aztec calender.

they embrace you
expand you
protect you
if you're not careful
they may engulf you.
Our walls
once a portrait
of another
futile life,
gessoed to a fresh blank pallet.
accomplishmentsmemoriesand expression
lovingly placed
and surrounding us.
Our walls.
the embodiment
of us.
Antique Mexican dance masks collected on our trips to Mexico and a wacky spray-painted picture from Cabo. Didgeridoo that Dea made Huz for Christmas.
Special things. A beloved old poster of the Grateful Dead. People always ask if it's an old photo of family! Well.....
I am SO grateful I discovered pregnant belly-casting!! What fun that was! Huz and Dea wrapped me up when I was about 7 1/2 months.
A still not finished acrylic. Huz wants it in his office but I just can't part with it until it feels done.
Dea's work:
Her chalk cartoons, signed Patty Larkin poster, frame she made with picture of Dea giving Lo a bottle, Grampy's X-stitching.
When Dea was little she seemed to project an unspoken feeling of "Mommy is so good at art but I'm terrible at it." But once we put her in an Optional Program in 4th grade that emphasized the arts, her creativity was born and has flourished ever since. She is a talented writer and the quality of her artwork has just exploded since she took an art elective last year! The Optional Program was the closest thing to the Waldorf philosophy that I could find and I'm so grateful it was available to us.

My sun faded acupressure poster, water Lilly painting by Dea and fish print by Lo.
The "tree" looking picture is a Tree of Life print that I made with the placenta after Lo's birth. That thing is still in our freezer waiting to be planted under a new tree! Hope we NEVER mistake it for meat!!!!!!
It's amazing how cleaning that space up after a summer of clutter really helped my blocked creativity to resurface.
The belly cast and the unfinished acrylic really speak to me. All your things are beautiful, earthy, warm, inviting. Thanks for inviting us in.
But the BEFORE and AFTER studio - holy cow!! That is incredible. I can totally see how you would be inspired to create!
I love the feel of spontaneous placement on many of the walls, even though it might be not-so-spontaneous. And your BEFORE studio looks a lot like my office, either before or after straightening.
So inspiring...our walls are all completely bare because we just moved. And we just aren't making enough art!
I felt like I just stopped in for a visit to your beautiful home. You are obviously a very talented, creative lady. I've been organizing and straightening today as well, getting ready to finally tackle the unfinished basement project. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us...I'm inspired.
beautiful-ness surrounds you in objects and people. you're all so wonderfully talented artists.
thanks for sharing so much of your private space.
Fun to see inside your world. we do a lot of art around here but I never end up hanging it up, maybe I will display only one or two pieces at a time. Like you said at the end of your post I find the less clutter I have the more creative I am. Those blank walls in my home inspire me to be more colorful in my paintings. You and DEA are so creative, her paintings are amazing (Yours TOO!), it is great that she has found some teachers to inspire her.
I'm so glad you did this! I love seeing a little bit of your world, your embodiment.
My studio is looking like your "before studio" picture right now.
I should take a picture of it NOW-only one week later and it's messy again!!! Alas...
Thanks for the kind words, folks!
Very cool home! I have never in all my days seen a picture painted with placenta! Now I have, it's a lovely color.
We have the very same rubber fish at our preschool to make the fish prints with.
Nice job cleaning up the studio space, I keep looking at mine and thinking about it! Have a great weekend and Happy Fall Equinox!
your walls are so wonderful...
i have to say the belly is incredible and it makes me jealous that we didn't do that with my twin belly...hee :)
your home looks so welcoming and warm.
I read this post yesterday, but didn't comment, so I'd have a really good reason to re-read it. lol! I loved seeing what was on your walls, and the belly cast is fabulous! Also, I love the tree painting and the story behind it. Very cool.......
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