Termination dust= the main indicator that summer in Alaska is over. As a result, any remaining tourists who witness this dusting will then scatter and run for warmer climes-that, in itself, another indication that summer is over.
A good day to stay home from work, cuddle with my fam, nurse a nasty sore throat, watch movies, eat ice cream(For the throat. Medicinal.), snooze. Things I rarely get to do all in one day!
your day sounds loverly...minus the sore throat(but maybe i can fake it...just for the ice cream...giggle)
oh the first dusting is always a tale-tale or is it tell-tell sign that Alaskans are all alone and the tourists are running! (well until Iditarod time...)
enjoy your snuggling with your fam! your photos make me miss Alaska... :(
Looks like someone sprinkled powdered sugar through a sifter all over the place. Very pretty.
Sorry for the sore throat....hope you feel better soon. :)
The snow looks so pretty dusted over the mountains like that. Ice cream and a movie sounds wonderful...I hope your throat feels better soon.
We hopefully have another 6 weeks before we get a dusting--we still have leaf peeper season to enjoy. Aren't you renovating your house or putting on an addition? Have you started? We're on a big push to get building projects done at our house before snow.
Maymom-nah. The renovation is slated for summer depending on finances.
what a gorgeous view. we don't get first snow until october usually - that is pretty! hope you are feeling better...
You are so lucky to live in that beautiful place!
Hope you feel better soon. I started with a sore throat just before my inlaws arrived this weekend, now I'm in the throes of a major cold :-(
wow! snow! yesterday it was 30 degrees C here. today it;s much cooler, but not "snow" cool.
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